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how-to sohappyyou'rehere. This is Studio Fusion, the weekly podcasting
Speaker:how-to podcast for serious, experienced podcasters, and beginnerpodcastersalike.And
Speaker:everyThursdaywereleaseabrandnewpodcastepisode and
Speaker:thecorrespondingvideoshow,bringingyou tipsfromexpertsinthe
Speaker:podcasting2.0 experts in the Podcasting 2.0 value-for-value arena
Speaker:as well as experts in the podcasting realm, along panelsandeducationrelated
Speaker:toreachingyourgoalofthebestpodcastever.Anypodcastingchallengesyou hadinthepastarejustthat,
Speaker:ever. Any podcasting challenges you had in the past are
Speaker:just that, and they're ONLY TEMPORARY. andevenacrediton theshow.Headtooursupportlinkandfindoutmore,especiallywhensharingwithotherstoletthem
Speaker:knowhowtheytoocanlistentoStudioFusionabsolutelyfree,anywherewhere podcastsareavailable.The
Speaker:HostsI'mDeborahandmy backgroundincludes35yearsasaprofessionalsoundengineer aswellas
Speaker:theeducationat Los AngelesFilmSchool.My wonderfulco-hostwhoistheonewhobroughtmeon
Speaker:board with thePodcasting2.0is Martin.Martin,go ahead, introduce
Speaker:I have been podcasting since:Speaker:I'm a supporter of a Podcasting 2.0 initiative, a value
Speaker:for Value model and I look forward to talking Talk about the
Speaker:Valueverse, new modern podcast applications, etc.
Speaker:Thank you Martin. Now you can listen live and interact with us
Speaker:on Fridays from 9am Pacific time, which is noon Easter time,
Speaker:5pm UK, until 10am Pacific time, 1pm Eastern time, 6pm UK. Those
Speaker:live streams are released as the new podcast episodes the following
Speaker:Thursdays. Feel free to visit us anytime at Se
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